These are the 12 most popular designer bags ever created

We are always on the lookout for new street style handbags. Fashion week and street style have shown us that some handbags are timeless. This is evident in the reissued icons of brands, such as Chanel’s classic flap and Gucci’s Jackie. Updated colourways are available in pastels and metallics. It’s usually the timeless classics of designer handbags which you can’t resist.

Consider the most popular designer handbags ever made if you are unsure which piece of luxury to invest in. It’s not easy to earn such a title, and even though many of them come with a high price tag, it is worth investing in and deserves a spot in your collection.

They’ve been the most popular bags year after year. Just look at these fashionistas below to see proof. And they will continue to be the best choice in the seasons to come. Which bags made the list for this prestigious list of designer bags? Prepare to be amazed by our list of 12 classic designer bags, according to those who know. Shop and read on below to find out more.

1. The Birkin Bag
This bag, named after Jane Birkin in 1984, has been highly sought-after ever since. BBC revealed the bag’s origins: “Its birth was an accident that resulted from an exchange between Birkin, and Jean-Louis Dumas, former Hermes CEO on an Air France flight to London in early 1980s,” wrote the BBC. Ingram says, “The Birkin bag is the ultimate It’ handbag that has endured the test of time. It is also impossible to obtain! Have you seen the episode of ‘Sex and the City,’ where Samantha tried to get one? It’s really like that!) Threads has sourced the most difficult-to-find Birkins, including a Himalayan Birkin encrusted with diamonds. It is also a good investment as Birkins have risen in value by 16% on average per year since 2016. Special colours rose by 20%.
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2. The Chanel Quilted Flap Bag
Chanel bags are the epitome of luxury. Since Coco Chanel designed the bag in 1955, quilted flaps have played a major role in the history of Chanel. Ingram says that Chanel’s classic flap bag is a true collector’s piece, because they are available in an array of sizes, fabrics and colors. Green is the color of the season and we have seen a huge increase in requests for green flap bag. “The flap bags are always in demand.”

3. The Mulberry Alexa
Mulberry’s Alexa, named after Alexa Chung and launched at the beginning of the decade 2010, became an instant “It” bag. You wanted one if you didn’t already have one. Mulberry, the British brand that has just celebrated its 50th anniversary, has re-released the iconic bag with a new silhouette. We would be lying if said that we didn’t love them both.

4. The Gucci Jackie
Gucci’s Jackie bag is a must-have for any handbag roundup. You may recognize the name because it is not a new bag. It was originally named after Jackie Kennedy and has been a Gucci hero item for many years. Gucci relaunched the item with a little makeover for its A/W 20 runway. It’s no longer far away from those who know.

5. The Dior Saddle bag
Dior’s Saddle Bag was introduced in 1999, when John Galliano still ran the house. Its high resale price proves that it is still highly sought after today. Rosie Huntington Whiteley and Rihanna are among the celebrities who own this stylish bag. Its surprisingly spacious interior makes it a great day bag. The sleek shoulder strap, and its interesting shape, make it a good choice for formal outfits as well.

6. The Loewe puzzle bag
Loewe bags, while Chanel and Louis Vuitton are well-known to fashion enthusiasts, are less mainstream. This makes them more sought-after. The majority of Loewe bags make good investments, but the puzzle bag has become a classic. Since its debut in 2015, this iconic bag has been a favourite with the street-style set. It is updated each season with new colour combinations.

7. The Louis Vuitton Speedy
The Speedy, the first bag Louis Vuitton created, was a huge hit in the 1930s. It has been carried by many glamorous women including Audrey Hepburn. Louis Vuitton created a 25cm version of the original 30cm design at Audrey Hepburn’s suggestion. It is still popular today. In 2011, the Speedy Bandouliere, which features a strap, was launched. Although they are becoming more difficult to locate, you can still find a Speedy at luxury resale websites.

8. The Row Margaux
The Row, unlike many heritage brands has created an icon for the modern age with its Margaux. Fashion insiders consider it to be the next Birkin. The Margaux is a perfect example of The Row’s minimalist design. It has clean lines, an understated silhouette and reflects The Row perfectly. This bag is quiet luxury, while other brands are loud with their logos.

9. The Prada Nylon
Prada’s Nylon bag is a classic, newer bag. However, its consistent sell-outs makes it a must for this list. Ingram says, “What I like most about this bag are its entry-level price for designer arm candy as well as the nylon fabric’s incredible durability.”

10. The Bottega Veneta Jodie
Ingram says, “Bottega Veneta is a brand that has become popular in the past few years. Its styles are unique and stand out.” The high quality craftsmanship of these bags, from the Gyoza pouch to Cassette bag makes them a lifetime investment. The mini Jodie is the bag that has sold out repeatedly. “The perfect bag for day and night.”

11. The Fendi Baguette
Fendi’s baguette, one of the many ’90s fashions to return, is one that we are happy to see. This small bag is Carrie Bradshaw’s favorite handbag. Ingram confirms that “the bag never goes out of style and is always in demand.” It comes in different sizes, colors, and fabrics, from sequins for evenings to a monogram for days. “My ultimate favorite is the DIY embroider your own version.”

12. The Celine Triomphe
Hedi slimane, who joined Celine in 2007, redesigned the iconography of the brand, rediscovering its Triomphe motif, with the double C closure. Fashionistas love a classic crossbody bag. The Celine Triomphe is a practical and elegant bag that can be used every day. Slimane has revived the Triomphe logo as a subtle motif. Only true fashion lovers will be able to recognize it.
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