What Does A Urogynecologist Do?
Women with disorders in the pelvic floor needs the help of a urogynecologist.
A pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments which give support to the bladder, uterus, and other internal organs of the woman.
A weakened pelvic or teared connective tissues which are due to childbirth, menopause, excessive strain, and other strenuous activity is what causes pelvic floor disorder. In addition, there are also other causes of pelvic floor disorder which includes cigarette smoking, genetics, and repetitive heavy lifting.
Here is a list of the different causes of damages acquired by the pelvic area:
Incontinence: when one lacks control over urination and over defecation or bowel movement.
Prolapse: this is the slipping of an organ part of the body such as the uterus, rectum, or vagina.’
Emptying Disorders: having a hard time urinating or moving bowels.
Pain: muscle pain in the lower portion of the body such as the pelvis, urethra or bladder.
Overactive Bladder: sudden urge to urinate, or the frequency to void, and pressure in the bladder
Fistulas: a hole made to create a passage between a tubular and hollow organs of the body.
How can a urogynecologist be of any professional help to you?
Urogynecologists are physicians who have earned a degree in medical school and are doing residency in the department of Urology and Obstetrics and Gynecology. They are certified fellows who can do surgical and non-surgical operations like Reproductive Surgery1 and Female Pelvic Medicine. They are professionals who can deal with the treatment and diagnosis of female pelvic organ which affected the muscle and connective tissues. Latest research about these conditions should provide these doctors with more knowledge to aid them in treating females.
When Can a Urogynecologist Help Me?
Even if your ob-gyn or urologists will be able to assist you in situation like this, it is still best to see a urogynecologist who offers additional knowledge. You should consult a urogynecologist if a doctor specializing in another medical field recommends you to, or when you have pelvic problems such as overactive bladder, prolapse, emptying disorders and others. If you are experiencing pain in the pelvic area, disorder in urinating and bowel movement, fistulas, and many more, then you should ask the assistance of a urogynecologist immediately.
How Can A Urogynecologist Help You?
A urpgunecologist can offer you a lot of options to choose from like therapies to relies back pains. You need to choose one who can suit your style and at the same time help you best.
The quality of your daily life can be improved a lot if the urogynewcologist will be able to make a dramatic change with his interventions. He or she may ask you to undergo surgical or non-surgical procedures depending on the needs of your body and severity of your situation.